Men of Sea. The making of an Identity


  • David Álvarez Jimenez Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
  • Sergio Remedios Sánchez Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Palabras clave:

Antiguidade, Mediterráneo, mar, marinos, identidade


This paper pretends to deal with the identity of the people who sailed the sea –specifically professional sailors– in Antiquity. Although we don’t deny singularities into the different Men of Sea who lived in this period, there are some aspects that are common to every sailor concerning their conditions of life and work regardless of their very different origins. In fact, their life-style clashed directly with the earth based society. These features shaped an identity that is more evident to recognize when we use ancient sources, which writers always came from the highest hierarchies of their societies or acted as speakers of these, that usually scorned the sailors because of the terrible fear that sea aroused on them, the nature of their economic activities, their different customs and the liberty that enjoyed Men of Sea because they could pollute the established order. In fact, we can speak of a mariner identity in opposition to the earthly-based society.

Biografía del autor/a

David Álvarez Jimenez, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Doctor en Historia Antigua por la Universidad Complutense con la tesis "La Piratería en la Antigüedad Tardía" dirigida por la catedrática Rosa Sanz Serrano. Tengo en mi CV diversas publicaciones, incluída la edición de "El Espejismo del Bárbaro. Ciudadanos y extranjeros al final de la Antigüedad" (Anejo 1 de la revista Potestas, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, 2013). En la actualidad soy profesor asistente de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR).

Sergio Remedios Sánchez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Sergio Remedios Sánchez es doctorando de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Su tesis versa sobre economía y sociedad en la colonización fenicia temprana de la Península Iberica y está siendo dirigido por el catedrático Carlos González Wagner. Tiene en su haber un buen número de publicaciones. Asimismo, es el director de la revista electrónica Herakleion especializada en la historia y arqueología del Mediterráneo antiguo (



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Cómo citar

Álvarez Jimenez, D., & Remedios Sánchez, S. (2014). Men of Sea. The making of an Identity. Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos, (7), 128–140.