Fabricating Reality

Kristni Saga's Historical Narrative and the Construction of Iceland's Christianization


  • Lukas Gabriel Grzybowski Núcleo de Estudos Mediterrânicons


This paper discusses the Christianization of Iceland as presented in one of the main sources about this event, the Kristni saga. It presents an overview of modern scholarship regarding this theme and demonstrates how it relates to Old Norse narratives, especially Icelandic sagas. It then discusses the issue of how narratives and discourses construct and frame reality and how this influences what can be said regarding past experiences. Taking these reflections into consideration, it proposes a new interpretation of Kristni saga’s narratives of missionary activities before the general agreement to change religious practices in the alþingi of the year 999/1000. It concludes by showing how the author of Kristni saga not only presents an agenda to be discarded by the modern historian pursuing information on past events but constitutes reality itself as it determines what can be informed about the past.

Author Biography

Lukas Gabriel Grzybowski, Núcleo de Estudos Mediterrânicons

Anteriores: Grad. e Mes. - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Doutorado: Historisches Seminar - Universität Hamburg

Atual: Nucleo de Estudos Mediterranicos - NEMED/UFPR; EIRENE do Brasil - Curso de Especializacao Lato Sensu - Prof. Historia

Area de atuacao: Pesqusia e ensino

Temas: Historia das ideias / Historia politica / Vorstellungsgeschichte / Historiografia medieval - sec. XI-XIV Europa ocidental e Pen. Iberica. / História Social / História Cultural / Reiligiao e Religiosidades



How to Cite

Grzybowski, L. G. (2024). Fabricating Reality: Kristni Saga’s Historical Narrative and the Construction of Iceland’s Christianization. Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos, (25), 36–57. Retrieved from https://dialogosmediterranicos.com.br/RevistaDM/article/view/464