Heranças Gastronómicas do Garb al-Andalus



Abstract: At Portuguese table, among the names, ingredients and culinary preparation, there is a significant set of dishes with origins in Arab, Arabized cuisine, or with the Arab-Islamic civilization as a vehicle, and fruits of the Islamic presence in Portuguese space for more than half a millennium.

Here, we will address some of the best-known dishes, and contribute to their identification and dissemination, both among the general public and even among scholars in this area of ​​the history and culture of food.

Keywords: Heritage; Gastronomy; Ġarb al-Andalus; Portugal

Author Biography

António Rei, Instituto de Estudos Medievais / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Investigador Integrado do Instituto de Estudos Medievais

Universidade Nova de Lisboa



How to Cite

Rei, A. (2025). Heranças Gastronómicas do Garb al-Andalus. Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos, (26), 74–88. Retrieved from https://dialogosmediterranicos.com.br/RevistaDM/article/view/474

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